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You Couldn't Make It Up!

by Jack Little

On 28 June 1909 Athletic News reported that Queen's Park had been told that they had to play a league game on 1 January 1910 - a date traditionally set aside by Queen's Park for a fixture against a prestigious English amateur side such as London Corinthians. The SFL had no objection to the date being left clear but the FA in England banned the match leaving the SFL no choice but to have Queens play a league match.  A ballot was suggested as to who they might play and Clyde, Third Lanark and Thistle threw  their hats in the ring. Thistle won the ballot.  Queens subsequently appealed to the SFL but it was thrown out. The Dundee Evening Telegraph did however report that Queens threatened to refuse to play Thistle on 1 January unless they were given an assurance that in future years their New Year date was left free. On 14 August the Dundee Courier, while sympathising with QP, hinted that there might be a hidden motive.  The annual fixture traditionally drew thousands of fans - robbing Glasgow clubs of spectators and income.  "So, to atone for past years' gate-drawing success, Queen's Park are given a paltry match with Partick Thistle".

Publishing date An original Thistle Archive publication, 07-Sep-2020.
Latest edit date Latest edit version 02-Jun-2020.

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