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In David Freebairn; Willis [i]; John McMoreland; Moffat; John Gilchrist
Out James Marshall; Joe Hutchinson; Joe Leiper; Walter Edgar; Kennedy
A. Smith (0-1, 1st half); Andrew Campbell (0-2, 1st half); Richard McAvoy (0-3, 1st half); Andrew Campbell (0-4, 1st half); A. Smith (0-5, 1st half); Charles Smith (2-6, 2nd half) Scorer(s) James Ingram (1-5, 1st half); Willie Paul (2-5, 2nd half)
Sending Off(s)
Henderson Goalkeeper David Freebairn david-freebairn.jpg Scotland 21y, 0m, 16d
Hunter no. 2 Willis [i] mh-ptfc-player.jpg Scotland
Robert Brown no. 3 John McMoreland john-mcmoreland.jpg Scotland
Alex Paterson no. 4 Jacky Robertson jacky-robertson.jpg Scotland 23y, 5m, 19d
Andrew Campbell no. 5 John A. Harvey john-a-harvey.jpg Scotland
John Johnstone no. 6 Moffat mh-ptfc-player.jpg Scotland
Robert Tannahill no. 7 John Gilchrist john-gilchrist.jpg Scotland
Charles Smith no. 8 Maurice White maurice-white.jpg Scotland 22y, 3m, 11d
A. Smith no. 9 Willie Paul willie-paul.jpg Scotland 26y, 6m, 13d
Richard McAvoy no. 10 James Ingram mh-ptfc-player.jpg Scotland
Broadhurst no. 11 Robert Murray robert-murray.jpg Scotland
Age 23y, 4m, 1d

teamline notes
  • Teamlines per ASH.
  • OH lists Marshall, Hutchison, Leiper, Edgar, Currie and Kennedy at the expense of Freebairn, Willis [i], McMoreland, Robertson, Moffat and White.
  • With a later edition of ASH saying that had Thistle had their regular keeper then the score would not have been so high, it looks like we had an emergency on our hands here and that James Marshall did not play. As we know, it wasn't THAT unusual for outfield players to step into goals now and then, so we accept the ASH team in good faith, with David Freebairn in goals. Furthermore, James Ingram (not in the OH line-up) is credited as a scorer, further strengthening the ASH line-up as preferable.

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